Sunday, March 20, 2011


I am so terrible at this blogging thing, especially since our 4th child was born. I'm a busy momma, but... since a dear friend, who lives WAY far away asked to see some pictures I thought I would honor her request and try to get some one here.

Last night Jaime just happened to grab the camera and turned it on. We had the most random group of pictures left on our camera, So that is what I will share with you today, plus a few bonus pictures of our sweet baby girl from just a few minutes ago.


Me and my adorable Sofia.

Joshua at the entrance to Jaime's igloo, in short sleeves mind you!
What kind of mother am I?

My oldest and my youngest.
I love these girls!

This is how fabulous Sofia is!
This girl keeps us laughing!

Megan, Joshua and myself at Shogun's for my birthday.
I love Joshua's smile in this picture. It makes me laugh!

Last weekend at Withrow Springs State Park.

My living room last night. The tent is still up!

The kids slept in here all night! They were so excited about going "camping"!

My "sweet, already-seven-months-old, happiest-baby-EVER" Ali!
Just looking at her makes my heart happy.
I love this baby so much!

Holy Cow! That was so easy. One of the big reasons I have been so bad about blogging is that I didn't have the time or patience to deal with uploading pictures. It was the biggest headache! They sure have improved blogger! I love it!!!

I just realized when I looked at the preview that I still have a Christmas background on here. Has it really been that long? That is sad. So sorry everyone. I really do hope to be better about posting on this blog, especially if uploading pictures is now as easy as it seems to be.