Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Out at the Lake!

Al salir del trabajo, un amigo nos llevo a Beaver Lake a esquiar. Megan estaba bien emocianada por su primer viaje en barco.
After work today, a friend from work took us out to Beaver Lake to ski and tube. Megan was excited about her first boat trip.

Megan solo queria estar en el agua y queria esquiar con papi. Al comienzo no le gustaba el viento cuando el barco iba bien rapido pero pronto se acostumbro y le gritaba al conductor que fuera mas rapido.

Megan only wanted to be in the water and she wanted to ski with daddy. At first she didn't like the wind when we went fast but she soon got used to it and was yelling at the driver to go faster.

Megan y papi preparados para rebotar en "Big Bertha". Megan no estaba muy segura si le gustaba.

Megan and daddy ready to ride the wake on "Big Bertha". Megan wasn't too sure she would like this.

A Megan no le gusto ir rapido porque le chispiaba mucho la cara pero estaba contenta cuando ibamos despacio. Cuando papi se subio solito y lo halaron bien rapido, Megan se preocupo mucho y lloraba por papi.

Megan didn't like going fast because her face got splashed too much but she enjoyed just coasting along. When daddy got on by himself and was pulled really fast, Megan got really worried and started to cry for papi.

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