Monday, February 08, 2010

Randomness of Today

This morning Sofia wanted to color like big sister Megan was coloring... with markers! She usually does ok with a marker for a minute or two but this morning decided to color her face instead of the paper.

Megan had a loose tooth (#3!) but it wasn't quite ready to come out yet. Last night, however, while Megan and Joshua were playing they had a little head to mouth bump and out the tooth came. There was a little blood and LOTS of drama. What else would you expect from a 6 year old girl. She's fine now and proud of her new smile.

Unfortunately, the tooth fairy didn't make it to our house last night. Probably due to the 1/4" of snow we recieved over night. (Because Arkansas slams to a halt on the prediction of snow, which will forever make me laugh!) I tend to think the tooth fairy was really tired because she's pregnant right now and just plum forgot. Megan was a little disappointed but sweet about it and very willing to give the tooth fairy another chance.

This is what we woke up to. It's very pretty, right now. We are expecting 4-8" more throughout the day. Who knows what we'll really end up getting.

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